“$15 for an extra foot”

“$15 for an extra foot”

(or, “I couldn’t think of a better title..”)

couldn’t sleep last night… if i wasn’t so damn tired i would have gotten up and done something, but i couldn’t sleep ’cause i was uncomfortable.. my shoulders are playing up again.. i got up at about 4am, lay on the floor, trying to see if it was my upper back out again, couldn’t work it out, went back to bed, and dropped off to sleep almost instantly..

got up at about 9am.. dad had already mowed the lawn, mum was getting ready for another dentist appointment, she went off to that, i showered, got dressed, had coffee, and waited for her to return.. meanwhile dad decided he was going to be in one of his annoying moods, and as we left to go shopping (yet again) i had to restrain myself from telling him to shut-the-fuck-up and leave me alone.. of course, knowing that we were going shopping for my christmas present, i really couldn’t tell him to do that..

shopping was… shopping… the start of the Christmas rush meant people everywhere; and looking for jeans on the first day of summer seems a tad ridiculous; but nevertheless, after trying on about 12 pairs in 5 different stores, i found a pair i liked.. i hate shopping for jeans… i love any other kind of clothes shopping.. but jeans are annoying… [warning: girly talk ahead] what’s worst, is when you find what would be the perfect pair, (great cut, fabulous fabric, perfect colour, on sale)… but they have sold out of your size… this happened twice today. sigh

and of course, then there’s the fact that while you’re trying on all these not-quite-so fabulous jeans, you know that mum and dad are waiting for you.. mind you, the good thing about going shopping with mum, is that she tends to want to pay for everything.. lunch, a bottle of water, parking, etc.. so, knowing all that, i played the good daughter, and put up with dad’s 4year old act.. this was made a hell of a lot easier, knowing that they weren’t hanging around after shopping.. they’re off at my aunt’s place again, so i have the house almost to myself.. Clay’s here, but he’s watching Run Lola Run in the lounge room, a peaceful three rooms away.. so at least i have some sense of quietitude to get this piece of crap, babbled entry written..

so, i’m tired, i have new jeans, i have to face the entire family tomorrow for an early Christmas celebration, and i should be at the IMA Christmas party right now, but i’m tired, and i don’t have the energy to face the world.. so i’m home, relaxing…..