a lighthouse..

a lighthouse..

i dreamt that my sister and i went touristy-visiting a lighthouse… we got there, and this asian woman took my cat (god knows why i had her with me) to look after her while i was inside.. we had to take off our shoes.. and we went inside.. there were people everywhere.. it was so cramped to begin with.. and we went up and down all these stairs.. vAry Escher-like inside this lighthouse.. but to get up and down these stairs, we had to squeeze past all this machinery and stuff.. we got lost in the stairways though.. went down one instead of up one, and ended up back outside, without having gotten to the very top.. when we got outside, i collected my cat from the asian woman, and she spoke to me in a very fine, english accent.. “it is the way we seek, not what we find”


i scared myself last night.. reading medical journals.. aiiighh.. where is my self-censorship? silly it took me 4 hours of tossing and turning and what to calm down and get to sleep..then after that dream.. i woke up to the sounds of a multi-player game of.. something.. with a mother of a headache.. which hasn’t gone away.. and .. geh. i’m starting to whine and complain.. i’ll stop there.. but as a sidenote.. i don’t think that the princess really understands how much this is getting to me.. hell, i barely understand that.. so i can’t hold that against him.. but it does make things difficult… t’is the way we seek, not what we find… i guess..