a little surprised, a little touched, a little worried..

a little surprised, a little touched, a little worried..

geeeee… well someone out there is a tad obsessive…..

but moving on from that, the midget was running around in the roof again last night.. it took me ages to get to sleep, and just as i was dropping off, i heard the rattling as he started escaping from his cage.. so by 3am, i was still exhausted and trying to get to sleep..

why was i so exhausted? people. here. all. day. long. princess had to edit an extreme skating blargh video, and there was the cameraman, his friend, and the friend’s friend, just hanging, being a pain in the neck. the extra two had nothing to do with the video, they just came over to watch DVD’s.. which would have been fine… if princess was editing on the imac, which is currently in the living room. but no, he needed the G3 for that.. so i was on the imac, trying to work, while tim and troy were watching Snatch for the 657452425th time, and princess and tim (a second tim) were in the office, editing like crazy. they arrived at 9am… and didn’t leave until 7pm… by which time, Kim had already arrived, because princess is doing the layout for his exhibition catalogue. Kim didn’t leave until 11.30 pm. and then what? then we went through the HD’s of both computers, trashing, deciding what to reload on which.. and i did all that this morning.

but somewhere in the midst of all that, i was sent something.. i mean, in any sense, its just words, just as this thing is all just words. but it was impressively written, emotive, touching, and above all else, truthful. i won’t talk about it anymore, the writer knows how i felt about it.. but thank you for sending me that.. it really touched me that you would send that to me, above any other..

(i said that here, because something stopped me from saying that to you yesterday.. i don’t know what.. i’m such a finicky intuitive thing.. it just didn’t seem right.. but i wanted you to know that.)

i’ve been thinking about J a bit lately.. he was supposed to be here around about now….you know what gets to me most about all that? the disappearing act, the return, the repeat performance of the disappearing act…? my main concern is not that feeling of abandonment.. i’ve coped with that to various extents throughout my life. but.. i really hope, that his behaviour, and cancelled plans, haven’t affected anyone else….. it’s difficult having someone just vanish, from the other side of the planet like that.. and as much as i am a little disappointed, i’m not holding it against anyone.

cryptic, i know, but the message should get through.

oh, and a note to t.. check your ICQ.. i’ve uploaded the pics from the Cult of Bobo.. there are some other changes that i need to talk to you about, which i will probably email you about later..