a wednesday babble..

a wednesday babble..

ever had the feeling that you should write something, but have nothing to say? i had that last night. anywho. (end of tangent)

this morning was odd.. i was up early shudder. not just for the hell of it, not because i had slept enough (hell no.) but because i had to be. that’s life, i guess.. but, by 8.30am, i was sitting outside Baskin and Robbins on Logan rd, thinking about when i used to write religiously, every monday morning. it was part of my art practice from ’96 through ’99.. (the writing defies description, not quite poetry, not quite prose, somewhat fictitious, yet still based on reality, but if nothing else, it’s ambiguous word-play.) whether its crap or decent, i would write it over my morning coffee when i got to the studios. usually while something like Blondie or Stereolab was playing on Simon’s turntable. (speaking of Simon, he’s now in a band that’s doing quite well, thank you very much. i hope he’s still painting though, he’s so good.) i think i only stopped, when i finished uni and i didn’t have somewhere to be on monday mornings. anywho, i’ve decided to start again.

this stage production thingy that i’m taking part in, is meeting every monday and wednesday. so that’s what i’ll be doing till the end of the year. woo! i’m leaning towards the writing side of it, though they also need actors… which, (considering that i’ve done a bit) wouldn’t be such a stretch for me, but its stage. i get terrible stage fright. film acting is vAry different.. much more relaxed. (end of tangent)

so this morning, i didn’t just think about writing. i started writing. i’ve been writing a lot lately.. i had a film idea a few weeks back, and i started working on it on Monday.. i’ve mentioned this to a couple of people, and i have a few others that i’d like to get an opinion from.. (end of tangent)

so this morning, i was writing, and it was really flowing.. if i get game, i may post it at dislocate or something.. ‘s a good sign though.. i thought i had lost touch with it. ‘it’ being that wavering friend, ‘creativity’….

at least something is going ok….