a wing and a prayer

a wing and a prayer

floating. haven’t woken up properly, wondering what that dream that i only remember flashes of was all about..

there’s been a lot going on, but there’s not much to say about it all.. filmed “Emmett and Hetty Like Their Beans” on saturday, princess did a rough edit yesterday, needs to be calibrated etc; rehearsals yesterday went well, think i’m finally finding my character, the difference between acting on stage, and acting for film is striking.. film is a directors’ medium, stage is the actors’ medium; have some running around to do today, as per usual for any tuesday; tomorrow rehearsals again, and we’re thinking we need more days per week for rehearsals, possibly have the cast gather here on thursdays, and then at the directors’ house on fridays, this thing is picking up a life of it’s own, but i’m still loving every second of it. the only down side recently, has been one of the other actors kicking up a stink, after her wedding fucked up, so she blamed it all on Toni, who did he make-up for the wedding, but really had nothing to do with the venue overcharging, or the cake getting fucked up, or her sister not knowing how to work the intricate system of buttons, hooks, zippers, clips etc that constituted her dress, suspenders et al. so she ripped the shit out of Toni, then, when the director intervened and basically said, “this shit has no place here” disgruntled newlywed went and complained to the directors’ boss, about everything she could possibly think of.. charming. however, i think the bottom line on that, is that she won’t be coming back. friday night, is the opening of the exhibition that “Emmett and Hetty” is in. saturday/sunday, we’re filming “Second Thought” where i get to play the psychotic girlfriend of a bewildered, and gradually submissive Paul..

i think that about covers everything on my mind at the moment..