agh, so much going on, so much i haven’t updated about.

agh, so much going on, so much i haven’t updated about.

got the ‘where the hell have you been?’ question, my apologies.. it’s kinda hard to spend time sitting at a computer when you’ve got a house full of people, and aren’t home for 10 hours a day.

it seems yesterday was a day for arguments, all over the world.

Paul [my co-star] and Darryl [the director] blew up at each other in rehearsals.. to the point that Paul was standing a foot away from Darryl, screaming at him. i have to say, i was worried for a minute that it would result in some kind of physical resolution. not a resolution that anyone would have wanted, really.. they ended up calmly talking it over, sitting underneath the tree outside. the other resolution i didn’t want to see realised, was Paul’s offer to quit the show. a week and a half before the show, we don’t really want to be re-casting. [even though the role was understudied by Tim, he’s not sure if he wants to do the role — apparently the role of John is too close to his own life.. considering that most of John’s scenes are with me, you might say i had more than a passing interest in what was going on].

there was another argument i heard/read about just now… not sure what to do/say about that one. [similar to Paul/Darryl] there’s nothing i can really do — i see both sides of the argument, and i care about both of you. that’s all i really want to say about it. [and i’ve said that before, but it still stands.]

i have an early family Christmas celebration on Sunday.. picture this: mum + dad, uncle + partner, aunt + uncle, cousin, sister + husband + 2 kids, me + Clay. + a lot of food.

mum told me last night that my brother-in-law can’t wait to meet Clay. Joy. Sunday will be interesting.

what else.. in the last week: we’ve had one of the only experienced tech crew people drop out [following an argument with one of the less-experienced tech crew]; one of the main actors drop out due to illness [though, the part already had an understudy, so it’s no big drama]; parents coming and going; Clay almost living here; umm.. i think that’s it..

so anyway, if you’re in Brisbane, and you want to see this cursed play, email me. it’s on two nights only, 13th and 14th of December. [/plug]


all that, and i’ve got the house to myself for the day.. oooh, and mum’s taking me Christmas shopping on Saturday. whee!


  1. Hmm, I could do the 13th… it’s the one day I have free that week *chuckles*. Why are my holidays so freakin’ busy?! It’s like everyone wants to catch up before Christmas hits. But I have a solve to this problem, party at my place on Jan 5th — wanna come?


    1. Christmas? bah.. (I thought about adding ‘humbug’..)

      the 13th is cool with me — and the party on the 5th sounds good too.. i should call you sometime to arrange these things.. give you details or something.. or if i don’t have time for that, i’ll mail you at some rediculous time of night..

      wish i had holidays…

      1. I tend to find holidays are a state of mind, more than a state of being, even though both are inextricably linked. Relativists really love life’s inextricable elements, for the rest of us it just means being aware of consequences and not gloating for too long about the uselessness of relativism.


          1. t’was more my state of mind, or lack thereof.. comprehension comes from perspective, anyway, and i had a rather skewed perspective of the world at the time. [though, it might be said that that is a usual scenario..]

            in short, its all good.. everything came out in the wash..

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