

this is scary.. thanks to clichéd for the linkage.. Your Existing Situation Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated. Your …

and then

friday flashing lights music red velvet wallpaper and red carpet and comfy red armchairs and talking and talking and Clayton. moments. moments of wondering moments …


http://dislocate.f2g.net/ explore etc. i haven’t redesigned ang.dx yet… but that will happen.. i’ve basically got the templates worked out for the different pages, i just …

tweak, fiddle..

its red. mmm.. red… it’s all about integration and convenience.. one angie-ubar-site. once i’m done fiddling, that’s what dislocate.f2g will be. i’ve gotta restructure the …


i’m waiting to see if i can find a man and a tree to cover me with the scent of spring while sexual innuendo springs …


“wtf? do you think i’m gonna call half way around the world for no particular reason? if you’ve got something to say, say it. don’t …

the poet

and from emode’s “Ultimate Personality Test”……… Poet You’re complex, artistic, and misunderstood. You enjoy a rich inner life. You’re often seen sitting alone in a …

a frankenstein of fragments

open up and let in the thieves,
let them take their piece of the pie,
when the remainder isn’t enough
put yourself back together,
a frankenstein of fragments,
no longer knowing remembering recognising the original..