and about time, too..

and about time, too..

ok.. i know.. i haven’t been on much.. busy busy busy and what.. lemme see..

sunday: postponed meeting with Lou, stayed here for rehearsals. have i mentioned before that i have great peripheral vision? anywho, i have.. but why is this worth mentioning? well, all day sunday, princess, myself, Hamish, and Bec (the actress) sat around, timetabling, blocking out scenes, and discussing camera angles, shot by shot. for 3, 10 min films. the entire time, i kept noticing, out of the corner of my eye, that Hamish kept looking at me. call it what you will. shrugs i’m too tired to think about it.

monday: went out to my sister’s place, helped her set up the emaily thingy doover that she needs.. got home, to have to rearrange the entire house for the film shoot. this included re-decorating my bedroom, from scratch, and moving a hell of a lot of junk from the front room, into the office and the living room, and immaculately cleaning the kitchen.. i didn’t get to bed until 2am… today: woke up at 6am. got up at 7am. started filming at 8am. finished filming at 4pm. the shoot went really well. everyone was really focused.. there’s still a a LOT of filming to do yet. some of which will take place all day saturday and sunday. whee. 5pm: went out to princess’s parents’ place (2hr round trip). 7pm: grocery shopping. 7.30pm: have 30min argument phone call with my mum, over artbeat (long story, essentially mum was trying to make me realise that we own the project, and shouldn’t be doing this for ‘nothing’, and should make sure that we don’t get burnt out along the way. oh, and that we realise that this project is ours and we can take it away if we don’t want to deal with the parent company.. oh, and we could patent our ideas, too. because it IS ours. as if i didn’t know that….) 8pm get indian take out for dinner. 9pm here i am. and i’m exhausted. and i don’t think i’ll be up for long.