another teeth dream.. with a difference

another teeth dream.. with a difference

i have to write about this dream i had the other night.. this was the first of about four dreams i had that night, and this one woke me up at 1.15am.. (i think it was saturday night…)

it was late night, and i was sitting at the computer, the house was similar to, but slightly different to the last place i lived.. it was darker, there was another apartment on the right side of the house, and the floor plan of the place was slightly different.. anyway, the computer was doing really odd things, programs quitting and opening with no warning, things like that.. so i woke up princess so that he could fix it.. while he was at the computer, the lights started playing up.. i’d turn one on, and another would go off, that sort of thing.. then i heard some party noise from outside, so i went to find out what was going on.. when i got outside, there was a courtyard spanning about 4 meters out and for the entire length of the house, and then there was a lawn that was like a golf course that stretched as far as i could see… the people next door to the right were having a party, and as i got outside, there was a woman placing tables around on our section of the courtyard, so i asked her to remove them, and she started yelling at me, and then placed a table directly in our doorway.. like, half inside the house.. so i moved the table aside so that i could go back inside, and she started screaming at me that she’d call the police because i was touching her belongings. i ignored her, and slammed the door.. then i realised that i had a tooth loose.. so i started walking towards the bathroom, and as i passed the computer, princess told me he had fixed the computer.. “cool, i’ll get back to it in a second..” i said, as i kept walking.. just as i walked into the bathroom, i pulled the tooth from my mouth (like the scene in fight club), and i stood in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at this tooth, which was not one, but four teeth.. it was like a mini-plate, of sorts.. one real tooth, with a huge root, and this hideous looking, braided nerve sticking out of it, with three false teeth attached to it.. the three were just empty shells.. i felt the gap in my mouth with my tongue, but the gap was only the size of one tooth..

now, considering that my usual teeth dreams, where my teeth shatter like glass in my mouth, is usually about having a lack of control over some situation that is breaking down, shattering, this one is quite different.. i see it as a situation which i have little control over, but i pull it to a conclusion, and it comes out in one piece, but it’s bigger than i think it is…..

i think..