Author: <span>ellemhach</span>


Seeing as [that last place that I was living and refuse to name] was so bad, I’m back in Brisbane a month earlier than planned. …

and so..

and so, as things change, the more they stay the same.. life’s funny, isn’t it? I knew, but I ignored that knowledge. I do realise …


I’m here! finally away from family, at Steve’s place, and will be here about a week or so. Will update in more detail tomorrow. whee!


Dear A***, I can’t say I know exactly how it happened, but I don’t like what happened to our friendship, and I’m sorry that it …


Take my time,
but it’s alright,
it’s my life
You don’t own me.

criss cross, the paths interweave
tick tock, time gets loose
simultaneously healing and hurting
– life gets loose.

When I find the one, the thing, the way,
(you know you want it)
Who’s to say,
Where it is?

“What is red?
Where is red?
What is blue?
Where is blue?”

fucked if I know.

red, blue and a kaleidoscope inbetween – a myriad of possibilities, signifiers, reasons, meanings, readings and more.