Author: <span>ellemhach</span>


We’re in this together now i’ve become impossible holding on to when when everything seemed to matter more the two of us all used and …

who, me?

ow, ow, ow, ergh, and argh goddamn. and wtf..? that’s a pretty accurate description of my day… the confusion that set in late last night …


med·i·ta·tion (n) 1 a The act or process of meditating. 1 b A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation. 2 A contemplative discourse, usually …

Silent tears.

Silent tears.
A lonely face.
A hidden fear, not easily traced.
A silent voice.
A faceless face.
An empty body.
An eternal chase.
A repeated nightmare.
A sleepless night.
A pillow hugged – so very tight.
Wide eyes.
Nothing within.
A single tear running thin.

“A mystery wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a parcel of fish and chips wrapped inside a great dark thing.”

ho hum..

just feel like i should post something.. chocolate is teh f00d of teh Gods.. reload, reload.. drawing.. falls out of chair batty was talking about …


Happy Birthday Mum.. not that you read this, but nevermind, i rang you anyway.. how many things have i said that you haven’t heard? how …

Tim Tams!

i got the spice……. and i didn’t have to go to Hong Kong, or South Dakota to find it…. muahaha.. anywho.. i’m going back to …