Author: <span>ellemhach</span>


contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution; stalemate; hesitation; questionable intentions; judgement; hesitation; contingency; uncertainty of intention; chance occurrence? uncontrollable repetition of retribution;

(actual date unknown – approx sept 98)


Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line. Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line. Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line. Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line. Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line. Squares. Pink squares. Pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by black. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin black line. Chalky pink patterned squares on green squares defined by a thin imperfect black line.


               wondering if someone knows me well enough
               highlighting certain aspects of structure
     (personality or memory or hierarch or language or otherwise)
being told where to be, when, what to bring, what to think about before I get there – everything bar what to wear
     one more step, (come on I dare you) and you’re over the line
          – everything changes (for better or worse) forever more
(I should never say never – I often have to eat my words)


(termination of depravity)
relaxation of domination-

Amber Green

The life and times of the Glorious Amber Green!
Amber Green
Welcome Amber Green!
memories of
                 eggnog and fairy lights
                 windpipes and taillights
now she just wears black tights
     from fighting her arch-enemy in her school uniform
     to arching her back in a short nurse’s uniform
               AMBER GREEN!


Choices or lack of choices

Regardless of




The tears well up –
     Not allowed past the lashed barrier wall –
Just like she is not allowed out
     The creatures of the world might affect her –
     The poor sensitive little thing she is. Fragile.
     That’s it. Fragile.
FRAGILE. This way up. Packed in polystyrene wrapping
     What more can she do?
She can come out,
     but she needs her protection guaranteed.
“Come out
     Come out
          Where ever you are!”

more and none

needing more and needing none.

feeling the emptiness of the cold dark sky
    wishing the past different
and depending on the future bright.

The night brings memories she cannot hide
(not for a lack of trying)
if hell was this bad
she would repent her every sin.


Losing the light
reason leaves me

[darkness] envelops me
hiding the fears
inherent, imminent



Anger subsides

Anger subsides,
Love derides,
(haven’t you found a place to hide?)

You believe,
You can conceive,
A place where you belong to me.

Dream state,
Lying awake,
(feeling like you give to take).

Hell bent,
I meant
To take you where I went.

Left it too long,
Got it all wrong,
(had to wait for you to come along).

Face down,
On the ground,
Still trying to come around…

tease promise threaten

                   it’s all the same thing to you.
         sexy chic.
                  call it what you like
                  diversionary tactics required
                  (how do you distract an adult male
                    with an erection?)
                        Change the subject –
                    has that ever worked?
         Star Quality
                                 is May the month of love, lust
                                      animal passion?


The Subject:
There without stood Hiawatha
Truth loves open dealing
Reading maketh a full man.
He stayed not for brake
Who goes round my house this night?
The mighty ruled with an iron rod
The weakest goes to the wall
The many rend the air with loud applause.
To assert is not to prove
She opened, but to shut excelled her power.
Slow and steady wins the race
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy
To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first
Walking up the hill made us somewhat breathless.
To see the world so full of shame and wrong
Fretteth my spirit in its house of clay.
The Object:
Christabel the lamp will trim
Whispering tongues can poison truth
Every why hath a wherefore
He likes cycling.
Me damp horror chilled
Whom have we here?
The overthrown he raised
Help the helpless.
The rabble rout forebore to shout
Spare not to spur, nor stint to ride.
Now or never! he shouted
My bonds forebade to lose my hold
Far other aims his heart had learnt to prize.


Flat          empty          lifeless          beautiful          listless
     (from afar)
    (a classic cliche)
life giving force
           a familiar face
empty stretched to the limit and loving
loving everyminuteofit.
loving everyminuteofit.
loving everyminuteofit.
       trumpets trombones tubas blare
the theme from our house
with flair.
Dusky dull colourless life
imitating     intimidating     intimacy,     and     longing     for     lascivious     lustful     activity.
“Right her right now you and me baby lets go”
“what, now?”
“yeah, let’s go.”
limitless litany vicious virility
Anti-hysterical droning
Anti-historical zoning
“Concrete associations”

Relentless rationalising

Relentless rationalising
Haphazard placement of objectivity and subject.

Absence / Presence

     Absence / Presence
  DEPTH     of hatred, longing, and
     antagonistic desire
     Angelic requirements.

Colour and shape

Colour and shape
depth and solidity
harmony and symmetry
          desperately seeking wanting needing
          the harmony lacking ‘in situ’
Continually layering – always making you look through
     trying to see that which is hidden – the final layer
               “The True Self”
     (resurgence of previous conceptual basis –
     strange how one thing comes back
     again and again and again)
     DEPTH – pulls you in. like the depth of the
          water pulling in the suicidal maniac
          The RED (solid, deep, desirable)
 SHAPE – why square?     equality of sides = harmony and symmetry


       the things I have not said, not done,
       the tears I have not cried


        (dreaming of things I can’t have)
        (Oh my god I have to have that/him/her/it/them)
            (I should have)
    pure animal desire
        (a phrase I learnt from TV – strange how things you learn
            at ten apply at strange times)
            (lowest common denominator)

missing in action

     missing in action,
          believed loveless.”
     Dreaming of the impossible
     Fearing the likely
     Her only life raft
          she refused to grab
     Throwing herself on the fire
          to prove she can burn
     You think,
     You believe,
     You check,
          but then she ‘doubles back’ and proves you wrong
          isolates herself when she needs company
          if you would ring to check how I am
          not just when you want something from me.
          or when you think I should be there because it’s
               ‘a family thing’
     You don’t know how I bleed
          from the memory of how things were…
               Knowing it will never be the same.

wanted to love you

WANTED to say it, couldn’t, held it, swallowed it, denied it, bottled it, internalised it.

TO see you there hurts, it’s on your terms, not mine.

LOVE the way I give in to you. I deny that I ever will, but I always do.

YOU call me when you want something from me, not when you have something to say.