babble babble..

babble babble..

i’m sore. in the oddest of places.. the culprit is a pilates class, and now i’m aching (as i should be) down the outside of my back; up under the arms, reaching down the back of my upper arm; over the front of the shoulder; and in two short parallel lines down over my hips. surprisingly, my hamstrings and my abs are not sore at all. despite the resulting pain, i really enjoyed the class, so i’m going to keep going with this. the other thing we did yesterday, was the start of some acting workshops. i’m loving it. ’nuff said.

the other thing that’s on my mind this morning, websites. i found out yesterday afternoon that has become a another victim of the dotcom trend where advertising revenue doesn’t match up to running costs. what this means for me, is that i now have to find another server for my site. actually, there’s 2 sites affected by it. i thought i could just move the angelish site to the server that hosts my /crap.. that could work.. but when i get back this afternoon (we have to go grocery shopping) i’ll start looking around.. i am yet to apply the redesign to the angelish site, anyway, so at least i’ve got some time to look around for a new server. oh, and i’ll probably get the diary redesign up by late tonight.. i still have to write a cast page, and a bio..

ooh, babbling..