babble-headed thoughts of insecurity

babble-headed thoughts of insecurity

I’m feeling mildly better now. I spent the last two hours cleaning the unit like the obsessive-compulsive, super-logical crazy woman that I truly am.

I went through the kitchen, did the dishes, the benches, the cupboard doors, and the floor; tidied the lounge & the computer desk; upstairs and the bathroom got a full work-out. Then went top to bottom with a huge garbage bag. All the while, listening to Charlton Hill, Thelonious Monk, George and David Bowie. Odd mix, I know, but it works for me. And I bet you’re glad you’re reading this. Thing is, I think clearly when I’m cleaning.. Or at least, playing with water in some way.

I know I should just ask him.. but words get so lost in my head sometimes, that I almost don’t understand how they should come out. But then, at other times, the words seem to flow with no trouble, no barriers, and optionally, no thought attached.

I laugh at myself. At least I can do that..