black boxes..

black boxes..

so i went to my doctor today.. diagnosis unconfirmed. more tests. whee. end discussion.

i’m waiting for mum to ring.. she rang this morning as i was on my way out to the doctors.. i had to rush the call, and she said she’d ring back tonight, after 7….. its nearly 8… do do do de do do..

so i spent the afternoon playing with power tools, and finally making ‘art, darling.’ about time, i’ve got a week before i have to install.. i am really running out of time.. i started thinking about deviating from my plan today.. i have an urge to change them from my original intention.. i want to really draw these.. eh, i can’t explain it without posting before and after pics, which i don’t have.. suffice to say, the change would be rather radical.. and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it may be a little late….. it’s also a little late to just curl up in a ball, and ignore the fact that this exhibition exists, but that is exactly what i want to do.

actually, i want to hide from a lot of things..doctors, art, work, there’s lots more on that list, but you get the idea.. i don’t even really feel like acknowledging all the crappy stuff.. i just want it to go away.