

it appears that has died. dammit.

i guess i’ll move the site or something, that is, if i can find the time to do so..

went back to the dentist today.. happy fun angie.

i’m supposed to be writing a little conclusiony thingy for the play, but i can’t get my head into the characters [both mine and Paul’s – why am i writing Paul’s? ’cause the two characters are a couple, and i’ve written pretty much the rest of their plot line.] .. i’ve got a rough draft of where the two characters are heading, i just have to edit it into a conversation. but somehow i can’t find the dialogue style for Paul’s character. it’ll be ok, i’ll get Paul to go over it with me tomorrow.

major drama i forgot to mention somewhere along the lne.. one of the guys in the cast dropped out, over the fact that he’s been left on the outer of the ‘cool’ group. [that’s just a rough analysis, it’s way more complicated, and that is not how he would have described it; nor is it really how i would best describe it, but i’m tired, coming down from the anaesthetic, and frankly, can’t be bothered. sorry.] truth of the matter is, his sexist/asshole behaviour put himself on the outer, and, frankly, that’s not cool in anyone’s books. quite honestly, i’m glad he’s left, he was stepping over the line with me, and i was one step away from telling him where to go, when i heard he’d left anyway. woo.

ah well.. gotta go. have fun kids.


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