blatant self promotion.

blatant self promotion.

ok, i’ve redesigned the site, blah blah, i added a list thingy, blah blah, i still have to add the links page to the angelish site, but its getting there, blah blah, yes, the html probably sucks, i don’t care, blah blah…


(i don’t do self-promotion well, do i..)

i was supposed to go to my sister’s place today, and help her set up the web site, and a mailing list type newsletter, for that thing she does.. whatever it is, even though i don’t really understand it, because she hasn’t ‘let me in’ to see it.. we arranged this last week, but i called her this morning, and got the answering machine.. they went camping over the weekend.. i haven’t heard from them since before they went, so i guess no news is good news, i gather they all got back alive.

and there’s a couple of other people i’ve lost touch with, that i kinda miss, and want to find again.. there’s the obvious one, J, and then there’s A, Chrissy and Steven. and then there’s t..

but the bastardised email system works, and i know she’ll be ok, but i had to let her know that we’re thinking of her.. but i wouldn’t be me, if i didn’t worry about the people i care about..

even people that only appear on your screen, are real. again, its one of those things that experience has taught me, regardless of logic.

i have a half written entry about ‘effort’, that i’ll get around to finishing sometime soon… i meant to post it the other day, but i got distracted..

oh.. i have to link to this.. its the funniest thing i’ve ever read… not because of some comedic genius, killer jokes, or mere hilarious insanity. but… because someone. wrote. it.

(and if you don’t understand why i find this so funny, you’ll never understand me :p )