borrowed time

borrowed time

wandering around, lost and feeling separate, but not alone. time and i have an odd relationship. he lets me know that i can’t have as much of him as i’d like, and i tell him he’s joking. i’m in an odd mood… two phone calls from my parents will do that.. i have to stand up, and i’m not scared of that, it’s just that it’ll take more than the act of rising to my feet, to get my balance – and time is running out on me.. leaving me behind the eight ball, with nowhere to go but further down, before i can get up.

ignore my babble, like i said, i’m in an odd mood.. had a full day to myself for the first time in what seems like weeks, and i almost didn’t know what to do with myself.. spent time reflecting, time spent chasing friends, time on the phone organising and falling a little further and then touching base with one who cares again..

time.. there he is again.. always trying to remind me that i’m here, you’re there, and this way is up, and that way is down.. travelling in two different directions at once, i’m not sure where i am, even though time tells a different story.