can’t stop grinning, don’t ask why ;)

can’t stop grinning, don’t ask why ;)

hmm. a fabulously topsy-turvey couple of days.. i know, i haven’t been on a lot of late, but that’s because i’m having too much fun, and don’t want to come home. (it’s a reference to a dream i had a few years back, one of those crazy ones that came true..)

farm boy rang, he’s in Brisbane (god knows why), wanted to catch up. felt like a bit of a bitch when i said no, but that’s life, and he’s all grown up, and should be able to cope. i never promised him anything, and he was just hoping something may be …err.. available.. but frankly, its not.

i’m finally getting a grip on the developments with the play, left there yesterday feeling more in touch, and way more confident than monday.

ended up at Ann’s place last night for ‘drinks’.. and left there at 10am this morning.. she doesn’t live far from here, but it was way too late to walk home, and not worth a $3 taxi fare.. and there was more incentive to stay, rather than go.. there’s aother party at her place on saturday. whee!