challenging the universe by stating my wonderings aloud..

challenging the universe by stating my wonderings aloud..

i think.. no, i know there has to be something behind pollywaffle’s behaviour of late.. but, truth is, i’m not game to confront it.. it’s not a major problem, just that i fear he holds a little regret.. a tiny little mourning for what ‘might have been’…

but am i simply being too analytical? it’s possible, and i’m vastly aware of that, so i’m incredibly hesitant to investigate. i’m relatively content in my rambling analysis and wondering..

i voiced all this with princess late last night.. late, as in, the conversation began at about midnight.. shortly after that, a possum ran in through the open back door, and decided to ‘hide’ in the open broom closet.. upon attempting to remove him, he escaped, and hid in princess’s bedroom.. the thing about it, was that he ran straight there, as if he knew where he wanted to go… t’was odd..

we had to leave him alone for a while to get him to come out of hiding enough so that i could catch him.. that only took, ohh, two hours.. but all’s well, the little guy ended up outside where he belonged.. no harm done.

hmm, me thinks i sound a little dispassionate.. lacking emotion.. or something.. i guess that’s how i feel.. i spent the day trying to wake up, and failing.. the 10 hour stretch of rehearsals yesterday exhausted me.. and of course, i couldn’t go to sleep until the house was sans-possum..