

Short morning stop at my sister’s place Saturday, then spent the rest of the weekend curled up in bed, too cold, too lazy, too busy planning the next few months to move from there. I’m going away to the middle of nowhere again. I leave in about a week and a half. Should be good, I think. Actually I’m looking forward to it, I’m getting rather annoyed with this city of late, nothing seems to work, and anything that works isn’t accepted. I get so annoyed with that attitude.. somehow in this city, people really only accept one way of doing things, and if it doesn’t work, too bad – you can’t go finding other methods, because that would mean change, new things to understand and comprehend, and we can’t have that in Queensland. The name says it all – we’d prefer things to reflect Victorian times. Alas, alack, it is the 21st Century, and I am but an idividual who doesn’t/can’t/won’t fit in here.

Winter has struck this city, with the most wonderful of cold, dreary, drizzly series of days. Did I mention cold? For the ‘sunshine state’, we’re getting an awful lot of 10-15 degree Celcius rainy days and colder, wetter nights.

I’ve been writing a bit, but not much, I guess I feel like everything that has come up as even the smallest of problems, has been sorted out before it gets to be anything worth writing about. I think I had my only recent diary-writing spurt on Saturday, which was all sorted out by late that night.

This relationship I’m in seems to working so well, that I have nothing to write about. How crazy is that? It seems crazy to me, because I’m so used to things not working so badly that I have too much to write about. I guess it used to be more writing, less talking; but he ‘forces’ me to talk (‘forces’ is sorta-but-not-quite the right word). It’s a good thing, of this I am convinced.

I am also convince that Art is much maligned. Why Cuban music is more important than mobile communication culture, I don’t know, but the fact of the matter is that we didn’t get the grant for the exhibition. I am but an artist, and I will get the money from somewhere.

Yesterday and coffee at Aroma’s as mentioned by Daniel. Art and what, but it seems to be coming along. I’ll be taking stuff with me to play with while I’m away, so that the work can progress with time, as it should.

And as anything should, I should go. I’ve got work to do. Till next time, Adios, mon amigos.


  1. I don’t understand the Cuban music thing either… but I as I sniff the air of those proposals that were granted funds I smell the stink of post-egalitarian favouritism. Fucking politicians and hidden agendas. You’d think that if they wanted to give funding a true focus or foci, they’d be certain to give more specific guidelines.

    Bloody minority groups *shuffles off to find out how many he can join in the space of a night*

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