oddness in referrer stats. Someone searching for fishing rods in Portugese…
In other news, things are going well. Stuff in storage; apartment empty, clean & I have no keys; awaiting a call from the agent to get the bond back; my ticket in my diary; and I’m buying a new pack today.
Did I mention that it’s my birthday on Friday? Yes. For the entirity of my 27th birthday, I will be intransit. Yay. Can’t wait. Honestly can’t wait for 2.5hrs after my birthday, when I get to see Clay. Whee!
I wrote some asta-type stuff late last night, but for some reason, this morning, it doesn’t seem to matter. Not enough to bother posting, anyway. I guess it might have something to do with actually sleeping well. Who’d’a’thunk’it? Sleep cures all, I guess.
I should go buy my pack, or something.
Nada é de estática. Eu estou caindo uma peça.
darn right it is