Someone at the little (anglican) church around the corner has a fairly cool sense of humour.. Late last year, their sign (y’know the kind of sign, it has some pithy religious/moralistic quote written on it) read :
“What part of ‘thou shalt not’ don’t you understand?”
This week’s gem, is none other than:
“God so loved the world, that he did not send a committee.”
Uhm. yes. I’m rather impressed with a church that can take the piss outta itself.
But anyway, as for me, I’m fine.
Heh… one of my favourite church signs was in a tiny country town in eastern Victoria – it said, “Beware of half-truths: you may have the wrong half.”
I love it when people are secure enough in their religiousness [religiosity?] to have a sense of humour about it.