disappointments and snippets..

disappointments and snippets..

well.. v’day came and went with no surprise, and no reply email. i don’t know why i’m surprised.. i hate valentines day. i always have. it’s never meant anything to me.. yet there is always this little voice somewhere.. that’s hoping this one will be better. well this year, it wasn’t. i don’t know what else to say about it. i’m so disappointed, and also very worried… this is not like him.


mum and dad are here. i spent the day filling them in on little details.. i noticed that every time i looked away, dad would start watching me like a hawk (i have great peripheral vision).. we went shopping, went out for dinner, which was good.. they filled me in on little bits of gossip from the outer regions of the family tree (yes, the people that i never talk to).. i know that mum has a list of questions she wants to ask, but isn’t yet game to ask.. i just have that feeling….