Energizer Bunny.

Energizer Bunny.

I’d just like to say the I had the best,. no, wait. The Best New Years Eve that I have ever had. It wasn’t because we went anywhere special, or had this huge New Years specific party/ball/event/whatever, but:

Because I didn’t stop and dwell on any of the bad stuff from last year.
Because I didn’t get into any arguments with ex-/friends.
Because none of the people I was with had reason to complain about anything.
Because none of the people I was with got into fights or arguments, either between each other, or with complete strangers.
Because I was with people who actually like me, rather than just accept me, and ignore the stuff they don’t like.
Because I didn’t get so drunk that I didn’t know what I was doing, though I was drunk.
Because I got the chance to see the dawn on the first day of the year, sitting on the esplanade with people that I care about.
Because I was lost in the moment, all night.
Because I didn’t get home until 7am.

Oh yea. 7 am. After breakfast (cooked by Steve), I collapsed into bed at about 8.30am, and I woke up about half an hour ago. But DAMN I feel good. I’m still in such a good mood, and I don’t feel tired or hungover at all. I’m proud of myself, actually. Even last year’s Eve (which seemed pretty good at the time), just pales in comparison.

Oh, oh, oh! Tito’s r0X0rs my b0X0rs. Many, many, many thanks to M for that. It seems like I’ve hardly put a dent in that bottle, but maybe that’s because the bottle is so friggin huge that it skews perspective. Or maybe you’ve sent me the holy grail – the never ending bottle of Ka. shrug I dunno. If it helps, I did think of you while I was drinking it. 😀

So I hope y’all had a good night, and a happy new year!


  1. “Or maybe you’ve sent me the holy grail – the never ending bottle of Ka.”

    sweetie…you know i love you and all, but if i had found such a thing…such a beautiful, candy-like, chimerical, impossible thing…i would not have sent it to you…it would be sitting in my freezer.

    BUT, back in the realm of reality, Titos is that way. you will NOT get a hangover from it. its smoother than a virgins….er…skin, and it is made with love by some sweaty man named Tito. what else could you ever want out of life?

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