enter babbling

enter babbling

just got back from a soapbox opening. who should i run into while i was there? (apart from chris, who was showing some fascinating photographs of banal elements of suburbia..) VGW. she’s the course coordinator for the undergrad degree that i did. as soon as she saw me, she came running over (as only a short middle-aged Canadian woman can), grabbed me by the arm, and asked if i had gotten the voicemail she left on my cell phone a couple of weeks ago.


“Oh, well I called, and you didn’t call me back.”

“That would have been because I didn’t get the message.. my voicemail has been playing up lately.”

“Hrm, oh well, it doesn’t matter. Listen, I want you to give me a call on Monday.. It’s business, so I won’t discuss it now, but do give me a call.”

“Sure.. first thing Monday..”

(yes, she still has a very thick Canadian accent.. the only problem i have with that, is that i tend to pick up accents very easily.. i find that after talking to her for more than 5 minutes, i start mimicking her…… which could be taken the wrong way entirely. and i don’t want that.)

hrm…. what the hell would VGW want with me? well.. lets see..

  1. she was my supervisor when I curated the undergrad exhibition in ’98… it’s now approaching the start of second semester, which means that they would have another grad exhibition to organize soon.. (frankly, my undergrad show was the last decent one they had. seriously… this is not just my ego talking (although my ego loves this).. the last two undergrad shows have been shockers. badly organized, AND badly curated.)
  2. she’s the course coordinator.. she’s responsible for hiring demonstrator staff for the undergrad students.. her specialty areas are photography and ‘new-media’ (aka: that fine line between art, and web design.)

so, now i have to sit tight until monday morning, wondering what the hell she wants…. ooh, the art of distraction.. let me count the ways.. i’ve already called my mum and babbled excitedly at her for half an hour.. i don’t want to tell lou about it till i know what this is… so… i guess you guys are going to cop it… (mwahaha)

its a full moon tonight..