everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy..

everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy..

i’ve been lying in bed for an hour, tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep.. after going to bed with a migraine at 10.30pm, i woke at 3.45am, sans-migraine, and couldn’t get back to sleep.. so here i am again.. i had fight club quotes running through my head as i dropped off to sleep earlier..

i had a good think about the AWOL one.. argh.. there’s so much i could say, so much i want to say, and so little i feel i can say here.. but.. basically, i’m not sure if i should be worried or pissed off.. i’m a little of both, so far..

i postponed the meeting i was supposed to go to yesterday.. i woke up late, with a headache, so i stayed home, and got gradually worse as the day went on… lots of stuff happened yesterday.. kim came over.. i rang mum and dad.. they’re leaving today, and should be in stanthorpe by sunday night.. it’ll be good to have them closer again.. ack.. oh oh.. we still don’t know what’s wrong with gran this time, no diagnosis as yet.. she’s going back into hospital for more tests on monday..