famous.. and a gossip, but famous none the less

famous.. and a gossip, but famous none the less

this is your first entry. you can edit this as needed.. i can, but i wont do as much as some would. its 2pm on a saturday, not any saturday, but the saturday after my show opened. i think i’m still drunk from last night. which was fun, by the way – i got to drink a lot, i got to talk to lots of people, i got to drink a lot, i got told that my work is “fabulous darling, just fabulous” (bullshit, thats just art-wank), i got to drink a LOT.. franz had said earlier that we had gotten “great publicity” – art almanac, brisbane news, art and text (woo- i am actually impressed by that, but it was probably leon’s work that attracted their attention), blah blah blah. i fooled kim – he thought that 1. it was on mdf, not ply; and 2. that the images were cut out from vinyl, rather than painted (Woo! i fooled teh mastar!) mark webb was impressed, i was impressed that he came along (considering that he is friends with people that i dont want to know anymore). michael snelling was impressed by the three shows blah blah blah I went to Double Helix afterwards with lou and kim and archie and leon and tamara (who was pissed off at me for something i said to alex 3 weeks ago blah blah blah – i dont really want to think about that night, but thanks anyway tamara). kim told me that yes, paul IS still asking about me blah blah blah. he didn’t go to the show though, which is a good thing. we ate pizza, and drank a lot, and listened to some great music – which is what double helix does best – they try too hard with the art/performance space – they should give up on that and just be a club dammit – they do that well. oh well. i need more sleep. im still drunk.