fear and loathing for everyone – “the brutish realities of this foul year of our lord, two thousand and one”

fear and loathing for everyone – “the brutish realities of this foul year of our lord, two thousand and one”

didn’t end up going to ‘apostrophe s’. started feeling incredibly sick half way there, came home, threw up. spent the rest of the night feeling sorry for myself, and hating my stomach for its betrayal. still feeling ill.

M is making me think about this bitch, two thousand and one.

an overview of the year so far: people disappearing from left right and center; a futile battle between the forces of nostalgia for good times of the past, and the evil maniacal powers that be, that end up wining by default (or should i say, ‘forfeit’); constant anxiety about getting old, and that fear of having to grow up and decide what the fuck i’m doing with my life; swinging between hating and loving what i’ve done so far; realizing that if i don’t make a decision between the 65432542 paths i have in front of me, i’m not going to get anywhere; odd dreams are in there too, but that’s been a constant feature in my life as long as i can remember; the inner workings of my body deciding to make my life hell; worrying too much about all of the above.

“this year had better start looking up.”


  1. Anonymity

    Paths are interesting, the seem to spread out like a spider’s web, but have the look, topography, and feel of clouds. The clouds and I have some unspoken affinity… maybe I’m just in awe of how anonymously nice you’ve been to my writings 🙂


    1. Re: Anonymity

      True.. I’m not a completely lost sheep, but all roads are equally attractive to me. The one comfort in all this, is that there are places to go. Regardless of that, credit where credit is due 🙂

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