Forgive the fragmented sentences, but my brain isn’t working yet.

Forgive the fragmented sentences, but my brain isn’t working yet.

So yea, the reasoning behind that last entry is staff attitude problems at work. Not me, not the boss, not the 2ic, but reception & two of the other dept. managers. Bleh. I don’t even want to go into it.

But Wednesday night & last night were both good. Wed night, Linda conned us into going out to play pool (“Just for a couple of hours!”) and ended up getting home at 2am. yea. Couple of hours alright. T’was a lot of fun, except that I had to get up to go to work the next morning, and no one else had to. Thursday night, we went to Linda’s place for dinner (Lao Laksa).

Was supposed to go to lunch Friday with Linda, except that the boss grabbed me by the elbow at 12.05pm and said I was going to lunch with her & the 2ic. 2hrs later, we got back to work, and decided that we had to go at 3pm. Got a text message from Linda at 2.30pm, saying “Still waiting for you!” Shit. Called her back, told her what had happened, and she went all sulky. I hate that. I don’t take it at all well. I apologized, told her that I had to go (we were discussing certain problems at work, which I had to be there for) and she was still sulky, so I said I had to go.

The reasoning for going home at 3, was that we were going to the Qld Cancer Fund’s Relay for Life Fundraising Dinner @ The Hilton. Fabulous meal. Grande Compliments to Chef for that. Went to the casino with my boss & Steve & others afterwards. Loads of fun. Grand weirdness, but fun. Drank way too much. Tangoed with Steve to a band playing covers of latino hits (think J-Lo, Enrique & Ricky) & 70’s classics which were just kitsch enough to be fun.

Spent today sleeping, wandering around the house avoiding housework, and trying to vote. Local council elections – unfortunately, I’m still registered at my old Brisbane address, and they don’t let you vote out of area for local elections. But, I won’t get fined, which is the most important thing. I must remember to change my electoral enrollment before the federal elections.

I should cook something for dinner, though I really don’t feel like cooking. Perhaps I shall wander around the corner for chinese take away. Suze is supposed to call me to go out tonight. She doesn’t get down to Cairns much, and I’m looking forward to it, even if I do feel like I still need another day’s sleep. 😀

Addendum: I have a pic from Wednesday night, which I shall post later, once I get my lazy ass into gear and upload the thing, and I should be able to get hold of a pic or two from last night.