framed, and wondering…

framed, and wondering…

this time yesterday, i was sitting in the little courtyard at the back of the gallery.. its this tiny little paved space, that is surrounded by two story red-brick walls.. very claustrophobic, but its a great relief from the pristine white space inside… i was sitting out there after setting up my exhibition.. i wasnt really happy with it at this point, and had no idea what to do about it.. i don’t remember what made me look up.. but the sky… was framed by the walls, so all you could see was this little square of the deepest blue sky.. i got lost in that view.. i thought about the symbolism of the sky.. freedom and what…and here it was, the most expansive space, contained by these walls.. somehow i linked that view, with this thing.. particularly the design.. ive given this a sky blue border.. i wondered if i had subconsciously framed this space in freedom… i dunno.. i’m rambling, and assuming a lot…

the opening is tonight.. i’m kinda relaxed, not worried, as such, but i can feel i’m starting to get a tad nervous.. its a pretty bold statement, and i’m not really sure how its going to be recieved..ah well, time will tell…

wish me luck..