Go with the flow..

Go with the flow..

Oh lord what a weekend.

Talked to Mrs D, and found out more than she actually said. Though she was adamant that she knew nothing of Maria’s little outburst towards us, it was quite obvious to anyone with just a little bit of a sixth sense that she was lying through her teeth. Also spoke to Troy that night, and it was quite apparent that he’s got something to do with it as well. Basically, Steve & I are still pretty much clueless about WTF this is all about.

So come Saturday night, we went on a boat trip down the Johnstone river as a pseudo-Christmas party for his ex-boss/still-friend, and attended by his current boss, and several other colleagues – one of which brought his girlfriend along – and she happens to be a long time family friend who I haven’t seen since I was about 16 (and she was about 11). So after taking time to catch up on the last few years with her, we spent the night drinking and dancing with them, and a good time was had by all. However, most of the others on the boat [apart from the current boss, and the ex-boss, who both know better], assumed that we were a couple. Have I mentioned that we get that a lot? Well… Yea. It’s kinda odd.. To be perfectly honest.. I’m really not sure how to take it. I oscillate between thinking it’s completely ridiculous, to thinking.. ah.. shit. Better left unsaid. Suffice to say that my opinion wavers.

With all of that, we got back to Steve’s parents place at about 2.30am, only to get a phone call at about 3am from Steve’s sister, who was going into labour, eventually delivering a gorgeous baby girl, still on route to the hospital. Little Charlotte was born on the front seat of a black Holden Commodore, somewhere in Edmonton. Sunday morning we took her kids up to Cairns to see their mum and new sister, and after all the family photos and what not [as we were leaving], I got called “Aunty Lisa” by Steve’s dad. Gee. A little presumptuous, considering that we aren’t even sharing a bedroom, much less anything else.. but what can I say? His niece and nephew love me, his parents love me, and would die happy tomorrow if we were to get together tonight. The only response I could manage [without laughing out loud], was a slightly giggly “See ya later granddad”, followed by stone cold shock as we walked away. [Me: Did your dad just call me “aunty”? Him: Yea.. Me: Oh.. silence] That’s the first time that his parents have voiced this thought to me, though apparently Steve has heard it quite often. Mind you, my own parents feel the same way… It’s so odd, that feeling of knowing that your parents want something that you know just isn’t going to happen. You don’t want to disappoint them, but hey, you’ve got to live your own life.

So.. yea. Weird weekend.

Of course, all of this brought up memories and thoughts of my own family, who are going to be all over the place for Christmas this year. With Mum & Dad down South, and My sister et al. in NZ, and the arguments with the extended family, I’ve nowhere else to go, but Steve’s family. And of course, being the newly adopted ‘aunty’ to the new arrival, I’m more than welcome, and that’s no problem to me, but it would be nice to see my own crew. I miss the kids the most. And Christmas is for the children… Nothing I can do about that one, though. Not this year.

I meant to get to the cemetery, but it didn’t happen. We were supposed to stop in on the way home, but, we had a car-full with the kids, and hurrying to get to the hospital. Sorry Nana, granddad, Greg. It’ll have to be next time.