happy happy, joy joy…

happy happy, joy joy…

OK, so last night I went shopping. Not usually worth posting about, granted, but this is scary/funny. Kathryn picked me up, now Kathryn has an attention seeking thing/disorder, and usually, it’s ok, I understand, and it’s no big deal. Kathryn also has a thing for Steven. She likes Steve’s attention. She know that Steve & I are really close, and she also knows that Steve has a thing for redheads (what man doesn’t, but hey, this is Steve that we’re talking about). I’m a redhead. Those of you that know me well, know that, too. So, Kathryn’s 21st is this week-end, and she’s decided that she wanted to get her hair done for the event… She’s decided that her naturally very dark brunette, slightly wavy, but very long mop, would look great, if it were red.


So, my little friend points at pictures, which are so strikingly similar to my current bright red, that I’m sitting in the hairdresser’s, thinking about Single White Female. The hairdresser (bless her soul) tells Kathryn that it would “do too much damage” to her hair, to go that bright (she’d have to bleach it back, etc). She then started talking about length. She wanted to cut some length off, but she didn’t want to go too short yadda yadda. I’m sitting there thinking “I’m so glad you said that.. I was starting to get a little worried”

In the end, she walked out of the salon (2.5 HOURS later) with a colour that is quite similar to mine, and pretty much the same cut that she had before. Of course, we then had to go straight to Steve’s work and show him…

And he laughed. Oh how he laughed. I silently giggled, and left it at that. I think Steve had the presence of mind to realise the “I wanna be just like you..”

Christ. I have my own little redhead. Just like “My Little Pony” but a little more psycho.

Mum called me at 8.12am. Granddad had some sort of a fall last night in his nursing home, and the doctor thinks he might have had a slight stroke at the same time.


Because of everything else he’s been through recently, the doctor “is not game to move him” to transfer him to Cairns to have CT scan to find out.

Fuck. I can tell this is gonna be a great weekend. We’re supposed to be going to Ingham for My Little Redhead’s 21st party. But we’re not sure yet, cause Steven might have to work, due to his assistant manager fucking up the roster. Again. Do I need to say that word again? Why not. Fuck.


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