hint hint..

hint hint..

“good thing i’m in bitch mode..” i said.. and how.. i feel like blowing things up.. have felt that way all day.. after a series of arguments.. no.. discussions.. over the phone, and subsequent resolution of the issues at hand, i was restless, and agitated.. and to make it all worse.. princess was home early to start editing.. and i had planned on beginning the day by cleaning up the office, and transferring about 2.4gb of data from one computer to the other, to be burnt to CD.. back up, and delete.. giving him more space for the capture files.. but the phone calls delayed my plans.. and then he was home earlier than expected.. he was in a foul mood when he realised that the 2.4gb was still there… and so it began..

here’s a tip….. if ever you ask me to do something for you……. tell me when you need it done by… and if it’s not done when you want it (because you haven’t told me when) don’t get all pissy and indignant, and stomp around the place.. it’s your own damn fault. i have no time for that crap. i refuse to validate it.

and another tip…. don’t fuck me around when i’m suffering the worst PMS i’ve had in years… i could list the symptoms, but i don’t want to sound like the bat. ’nuff said.

some people are silly. some people do these things to me. some people will learn. one day.

the click, have automatic immunity… and regardless.. you guys haven’t done anything to piss me off… however, all others will learn..

perhaps one will learn pretty soon, eh?