hope, dreams, vodka and chocolate..

hope, dreams, vodka and chocolate..

oh yes, life is good right now. the kind of day where hope, dreams, confidence, lust, and achievements meet under a clear blue sky on a cool day..

mm.. lust.. i’m filled with it today.. it didn’t help that the character i was playing was Aphrodite.. not the mythological version, but as she would be today.. redundant, no longer worshipped, frustrated and bored. trying to crack on to Apollo who, though just as bored, was not at all interested.

as soon as i read the script (pre-casting) something triggered, and i knew darryl would cast me as her.

tiff, i’ll get you as Julie, the victim. Craig, you’re Osiris. Paul, you’re Apollo. Ann…Victoria… and for Aphrodite….


mm… dramatic pauses. my heart thumping, somehow knowing my name would be called, hoping it would be, waiting to hear it..

turns head in my direction you.

the look in his eyes as he said it… (i’d love to know what he was thinking as he paused..)

the rest of you.. pallbearers and dancers.. ok, the gods, come with me, the rest of you are with Louise.


i don’t know what it is about him.. he just rocks my world.