hrm.. i took a moment to think about this..

hrm.. i took a moment to think about this..




wtf? what are you giving me that for?

put it over there!

fuck you! i’m doing something.

so am i. you’re closer.

fuck you. i’m busy! storms off

hey…. are you ok..?

YES I’M FUCKING FINE. slams door


sorry, i had to vent a bit. i’m over it..

are you ok..?


yea.. i think so..


sigh manic. wild mood swings.. intolerable vibrations. i don’t get it, i was never this bad before… the idea is so foreign to me… i was always the stable one.. now i don’t even know how i am going to react to things. no sir, i don’t like it..

what to do what to do.. this has to be fixed. no question..