

hmm. i appear to be awake. it might be 2pm or thereabouts, but the last two weeks have been a real trip..

Princess, Clay, Paul and I all have a cold/throat infection, severe lack of sleep, way too much to do, and not enough time to do it all in. and at the moment, i shouldn’t be online, cause i’m waiting for a phone call, but i felt i had to post something.. even if just somthing to say i’m still alive and kicking.. though not very hard.. Paul keeps getting the asthma coming back, Princess has dropped into a severe cold, Clay got an infection in the top of his lung, and i’m just barely keeping the menace at bay..

we all had to go out to the opening of the film last night.. but it went very well, despite Metro being very light on the publicity, and us four being sick as anything, and exhausted. half the cast of the play came along, which i was so pleased about.. and lo, they were impressed. we ended up at O’Malley’s until midnight, then hit a Coffee Club for ‘dinner’ (considering what i had eaten yesterday, i should be calling it ‘breakfast’, but anywho…)

my brain is scattered. max-tangential. can’t think to save myself this afternoon, and have to get to a rehearsal by 3pm.. whee. um, i think that’s all i can think of to say about everything, and i’m running out of time. must go.

[t.. thank you, i got your email, and when i can find half an hour to myself i will reply, i just have to find time to think, and come up with something at least half-coherent, coherency being something which is lacking from my entire life of late.]

later kiddies, play nice.

i’ll be around .. er.. later.


  1. Anonymous


    whenever I hear myself referred to as “t” I can’t help but think of The Lady Chablis in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”..
    “I have to hide my t.” “Your what?” “You know, my t, my truth..”
    funny how sexual ambiguity follows me around.. *cue Crying Game* *snicker*

    1. Re: t..

      hehehe.. yes..

      *sings* It’s hard, so hard to be a woman,
      But I’m doing the best that I can,
      It’s hard, so hard, to be a woman,
      When you’re trapped in the body of a man…

      do you remember that song? I think I mp3’d it for you aaaaages ago…

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