i am on auto-pilot..

i am on auto-pilot..

sleep, wake, shower, dizzy, eat, dizzy, sick, shower, sleep.. the thought of being around people at the moment scares me.. not scare, as in fear, but scare, as in “ick… happy people”. i was supposed to go to a welcome home yum cha for Manus and Bim today.. i slept through it.. i went to bed at about 4.30am.. i think i was awake, tossing and turning for at least an hour… the dream i had was odd… damn odd.. i was supposed to be going to some party.. i ran into Roselyn on my way.. she asked me take her luggage to the place where she was staying (she’d just gotten back from London).. so anyway.. i found the apartment building.. and i ran into Chris in the foyer (woah. now there’s someone i haven’t thought of in years.) he told me where to go (haha.. i love language.. what a pun.. side note- way back, i told chris to go to hell after he fucked roselyn around.. eh, he was lying to her about some crap, he deserved way more than he got).. anyway, so i was carrying her luggage up the stairs, following two girls who were gossiping about their boyfriends (god knows why i remembered that detail..) i finally found the apartment, and the two girls looked at me and said “gasp you’re not going in there are you?”.. “ahh..yea.. i just have to deliver this, and i’m off again.. why?” .. “gasp you’ll never get out once you’re in there..” and they left… so i knocked on the door.. the door opened, i went inside.. and i woke up… odd..