i love her. honestly, i do.

i love her. honestly, i do.

shut down computer.

brush teeth.

lock up.

switch off lights.

pick up sleeping cat.

put cat down on bed.

get changed into PJ’s.

switch off light.

get into bed.

get comfortable.

cat sits up.

cat cleans self for 5 min.

cat jumps out of bed, onto chair.

cat cleans self for another few minutes.

hear cat walking over dressing table.

hear ambiguous thump.

turn on light.

see cat sitting in open drawer…

“what are you doing?”

cat looks at me with that “what?” look..

switch off light.

get comfortable again.

hear cat jumping out window, into front room.

hear cat walking down hallway.

hear ambiguous thump clink from direction of office.


almost asleep now..

hear creak in hallway

hear cat jumping in window again.

cat cleans self for a few minutes on chair.

cat jumps into bed.

cat stalks up, sits right beside me.

reach over to pet cat..

cat bites my hand..

“what the hell is the matter with you?”

cat looks at me with that “what do you think??” look.

cat lies down.

cat goes to sleep.

think “finally..”.

eventually get to sleep.

wake up.

cat seems to be pushing me sideways, cat is now dead centre of the bed.

move cat aside.

cat looks at me with that “what the hell are you doing? i was asleep.” look.

go back to sleep.

hear princess’s alarm going off.

think “agghhh”.

go back to sleep.

hear princess slamming the front door.

think “aagghh”.

go back to sleep.

hear my alarm going off.

think “aaagghhhhh”.

get up.

make coffee.

think “wait a sec.. did i just dream about a space shuttle again?”.

think “yes… good grief. god damn astronauts.”

switch on computer.

go back to kitchen, make toast.

go back to computer, dial up, open ICQ, Yahoo, and mail.

go back to kitchen, clean up princess’s morning mess.

go back to computer.

sit down, get comfortable.

hear “MEEOOOW”.

turn around, see cat sitting in doorway.

“oh good morning dear, did you sleep well? bitch.”

get up, go back to kitchen, feed cat.

cat refuses to eat.

go back to computer.

cat jumps up on desk.

“oh what now?”


cat insists on sitting on my lap.

accommodate cat.

cat purrs.. loudly.
