i watched Fight Club again tonight..

i watched Fight Club again tonight..

“This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time.”

just another rage against the machine, or is this something bigger than big? what is, came from what was. if this is the future, i’m scared of the past. and i have good reason to be scared of the past.. i’ve seen some incredulous things.. i have to ask myself about my role in this..this.. this soap opera ..this active commentary on my generation. i am the same age that Tyler claims to be. jesus, at 25, i’ve learnt a lot about myself this year.

“Where did you go, Psycho-Boy?”.. “I felt like destroying something beautiful.”

cliche, but true. i have changed so much over the last seven years… wait..where have i heard that.. hrm. i think it was a horoscope thingy i read a few years back.. (note: i hoard things.. so i still have this article.. its from Cleo, Nov. 1995)

“If you threw it all away in the first five years of the 90’s, you were right to do so, as you will change so radically over the next ten years..”

it babbled on about relationships and partners and what after that..and keeping in mind that this is from 1995.. it has turned out reasonably accurate.. just another thing i can’t rationally understand, but have to believe in, because i see it.

“We’ve just lost cabin pressure.”