i’m a void

i’m a void

i’ve noticed that it’s very difficult to think politically, and logically, when you’re trying to stop yourself from throwing up. i have so many things draining me at the moment, that i can’t determine which is the more important. which i have to expend energy on now, and which i can leave until later. i’ve had a shit of a day. after continually having my authority questioned and usurped on a daily basis, i’ve had it taken away completely, in a manner which showed me no respect. i am exhausted, and nauseas, and emotionally empty. my parents, bless them, have gone to my sister’s place for the night. joy solitude. mum has been cleaning. everything. and dad has a tendency to stand over my shoulder when i’m on the computer, and continually ask “whats that program do? who are you talking to? what that all about?”. the AWOL one still hasn’t shown up. i was supposed to go out tonight. i didn’t. same excuse. sick. and hell, i was sick.