i’m shocked..

i’m shocked..

the mountain came to mohammed today.. i can’t believe it.. they came.. they saw.. they said things that i would be upset about, if i wasn’t so tired, and just amazed and speechless that they came here..

what a day.. i am exhausted..no.. wrong word. drained. thats the one..arg damn.. i just remembered a few things i have to do before i forget..creasyness.. i want to get some semblance of order back into my life..

so my sister came over today, brought the family.. we GASP even went over to the old house.. she wanted to see it before we totally moved out..then her husband proceeded to tell me exactly what was wrong with the new place, and the old, and how he would mix everything to make the perfect house… uh huh..well, geee, thanks mate, thats reeeaaallly helpful. geh. so then i was at the old house for a few hours.. just packing up the studio, and sorting out a lot of junk.. thinking.. i couldn’t get this one song out of my head..

“My Happiness” by Powderfinger.
I see your shadow on the street now
I hear you push through the rusty gate
click of your heels on the concrete
waiting for a knock coming way too late
it seems like an age since ive seen you
countdown as the weeks trickle into days
so you come in and put your bags down
I know there’s something in the air
how can I do this to you now
if you’re over there when i need you here
my happiness is slowly creeping back
now you’re at home
if it ever starts sinking in
it must be when you pack up and go
it seems like an age since ive seen you
countdown as the weeks trickle into days
I hope that time hasnt changed you
all I really want is for you to stay
I know I know i know what is inside..

sigh i’m such a girl..