it can be painful..

it can be painful..

“find the words i say and find the feelings, evident and obvious,

but somewhere underneath lie the words that i mean to say,

the things i wanted you to know but don’t feel safe saying plainly.”



wow. that says so much about me. that’s what i love about reading other people’s journals.. you see things in their words, from their lives.. but maybe, just maybe, they can illuminate you. sometimes, someone who’s wildly flinging a maglight around, throws a little light on yourself.. or someone you know. in this case, its me.. i think its just me, anyway.. it might apply to a few other people i know, but hell, how would i know..? they hide their own truths so much that i have no grasp on what’s real, what’s imagined, what’s over-analysed, and what’s wishful thinking.