lime green (lime green) and tangerine..

lime green (lime green) and tangerine..

It’s been a lazy Sunday.. The Jehova’s Witness convention has finally concluded, and there is a sweet silence in the air..

I haven’t yet written that monologue for tomorrow, so I guess that’s what I’m doing tonight..

begins rambling ideas

hmm.. the effects of alienation within a relationship.. the obvious: physical distance; personality incompatibilty (they say opposites attract, but I’ve never seen that actually work); difference of occupation (coupled with an unwillingness of one partner to interact/understand)..

(The trouble I have with this, is that I’ve never really felt alienated from a partner.. I’ve suffered from claustrophobia, but never the opposite, which is supposed to be what this thing is all about. Its a long story, I’m supposed to develop a character monologue, based on themes useable for the entire play.. One of the primary themes (which are all just ideas, so far nothing is set in stone) is alienation.)

hrm.. it just hit me..
I’m not in the mood for this.. I’ve still got my code-brain in..