lordy. it never stops.

lordy. it never stops.

Previously, our heroine’s workload had reduced, due to the return of her immediate supervisor. However, in today’s episode of “The Wicked and the Stupid” we find out how one person’s inefficiency and confusion leads our heroine into the fastest workload expansion she’s ever seen. Stay tuned to find out why…

So like, there’s this project (Let’s call it “Project ABCD”, for argument’s sake), which had previously been run by LadyC. The completion date for this Project ABCD is fast approaching (I mean, May 30th). It was realised on MONDAY, May 17th, that Project ABCD is waaaaay behind schedule, and the administration for project ABCD is all over the shop. Seriously, the paper-trail is all over Cairns. It was decided that LadyC should be taken off Project ABCD, and it should be handled by myself and my supervisor. I was informed that I will be doing all of the remaining set up, pre-planning and scheduling, while my supervisor will be presenting the project. (Which is fine by me..), and of course, I will be rewarded for my efforts regarding this Project ABCD.

So that’s ABCD. then we have Project EFGH, which starts Tomorrow. I was informed TODAY, that I will be supervising this Project EFGH. “Mmhmm.. ok..” I said. “One thing though – I have no idea what EFGH is about.” “Oh really?” came the reply. “Mmhmm..” I muttered. “Oh, well, here, read this” she says, as she hands me a 40 page document, “and as I said, it starts tomorrow, so you’ll have to start working on the plan and scheduling for it.”

Ohhhkaaay. Of course, I also still have my final assignment for the Cert 4 WAT to finish in (now under) two weeks.

I hope y’all will excuse me if I get buried under paperwork for a while.