losing touch

losing touch

don’t know where i am.. i turn around for a second and things are missing, people look different, and whatever people are there are acting different.

a word of advice or perhaps just a plea for my own sanity/peace of mind/knowledge of things and people:

if you’re going to tell me it’s an apple, please don’t act like it’s an orange, then tell other people that it’s a banana, or worse, that it doesn’t exist. frankly i can live with whatever it is — just make it one thing, and act, react and advertise it as such.

don’t keep fucking me around like this….. please..

i need clarity, definition, and those around me to stick to that definition — like i said, if you want to act like it’s an orange, then call it an orange.

another gloriously ambiguous plea from the heart that no doubt someone will read and take far too personally. rest assured, this is the real world i’m talking about — nothing to do with the various known and unknown readers of this little frankenstein of fragments.

obviously, i had an odd day… hearing things all over the place, and i’m left wondering wtf’s going on, and what the hell to do about it…

i’ve an urge to lose myself in html, css, photoshop et al again.. perhaps redesign this, the dislocate.f2g site, or possibly whip something up for a friend. the reason behind the urge, being that i don’t want to contemplate the questions i asked the universe a second ago. i want to hide from it. all i want is for things to run smoothly — is that too much to ask?

apparently so..