maligned.. and somewhat bitter.

maligned.. and somewhat bitter.

wow.. i slept last night… i mean.. i slept last night.. 12 hrs.. it was broken sleep still.. but it was sleep… i woke up at 4am, with the cat pushing me aside in bed, in the middle of a dream, where i was in a house, hearing footsteps coming my way, down the hallway… as i was waking up, i realised i could still hear the footsteps.. except they were in the roof… now, unless it was a midget on speed, running all over the place, i think it was a possum.. cute lil creatures.. noisy though.. i think it must have gotten into the roof to escape last night’s storm, then had trouble getting out..

the last few days haven’t been the best, to be honest.. things are fucking up all over the place, and the slightest sign that something else is going wrong, in any way, sends me into a downward spiral.. i was in the city yesterday.. i met Lou at Aromas, to talk about the artbeat launch party/exhibition.. after a lot of pseudo-arguments over the last few days, and discussion about the logistics of each other’s lives at the moment, we decided that, seeing as i have restricted access to the computers here (with the princess in manic editing mode), and her partner having a reduced workload at the moment, its better to get him to do the site prep for upload.. so i just have to contribute the content for a few things, organise Hamish or Jim to do the design work for the gallery, give Deni the information she needs for the launch invitation, and i’ll be curating the launch exhibition. believe me, it is a reduced workload…. it may still sound like a metric shitload, but trust me… it means that i don’t have to create 45874257242572 pages for the site… and i’m relieved.. under ordinary circumstances, i wouldn’t have minded doing the site work, but at the moment things are far from ordinary, and it would have been near impossible. it may have killed me.. or i may have ended up killing the princess. and we can’t have that..

i had another entry i was going to write yesterday, about art and what, but now that i’ve had to switch computers, to accommodate the editing madness, the G3 is fucking up somewhat, as is my ISP.. and if they don’t get their act together soon, they’ll be getting a rather annoyed lil angel on the phone. again. but that entry is still swimming its way around in my head, and it’ll eventually find its way onto the screen.. bahaha, much like that (still) half written entry on ‘effort’… hmm. anywho.

but seeing as everything is landing on my doorstep, just to piss me off at the moment.. i need to get away.. i’m so aware that i haven’t been out of Brzbn for anything more than a couple of days, for too long. i’m thinking about taking off to see my parents for a couple of weeks in early June.. it’ll be cold as all hell down there, but i don’t care.. when i was with Lou yesterday.. we were sitting at a cafe in the valley, and i watched, as two Qantas jets took off in the distance.. my god, i longed to be on one of them.. i have no idea where they were going, but i didn’t care. anywhere would be better than here at the moment.

i’m aching.. in so many ways..

and i’ve got work to do…. i may not be online much for the next few days, but i’ll update when i can…

take care, kids..