

dammit.. i forgot to tell him about the dream i had about him.. i think he’d like to hear it.. ah well.. there’s always tomorrow..

but ohhhhh the dream.. there was some complicated plot involving my mother stealing all the products from my bathroom.. so .. i decided i had better go shopping.. where? a CD store (of course)…. and.. when i got there i realised that i wasn’t with my mother, as i had thought.. i was with rachel and kate (i first met rachel when i was 8, and kate and i were in the same class almost all the way through 12 yrs of schooling..). so anyway.. i was in this CD store with rachel and kate… and we went through some CD’s, babbled about this singer, that group.. like ya do.. i found a CD i wanted.. so i took it up to the counter.. and he was there.. serving behind the counter.. he was SO imposing.. tall and strong looking.. yet, he was so nonchalant.. he just took the CD from my hands, rang it up, asked for the money… i went to grab my purse.. i looked down. realised i was naked. ah. well. my first reaction was to cover up.. but after a few seconds.. i realised that no one was taking any notice anyway.. so i went home…

ah well.. i’m getting tired.. its my bed time…

g’night kids..