mmm…sleepy and ranting…

mmm…sleepy and ranting…


there’s a few things that have been going on that i haven’t mentioned here, or, to anyone for that matter..

the main one being that my uncle is in hospital.. throat cancer. this is his second major problem with it.. the first time was about 7 years ago.. i should go and see him, seeing as he lives about 1700km away, and is in hospital here.. but, i haven’t heard from them for years (being the black sheep/odd one of the family), and i hate every second i have to spend in a hospital… i keep thinking of the time when my gran was in hospital here…. it was so depressing.. but i wonder if that was because i was pretty much the only one visiting her, after my arguing aunts left, and before mum arrived here.. all day, every day. arrive at 9.30am, leave 7.30pm.

why i shouldn’t bother:

  1. i don’t have that much time to spare at the moment. too much to do, and what.
  2. i don’t care for him that much.

(i know that sounds callous, but, if you knew the broader picture of our ‘family’, you’d understand. i haven’t seen them for about 5 years, and i doubt they would even ask my mum what i’m up to. why should i have to go visit, when they don’t give a damn about me? he’s a part of the ‘rest of the family’ that don’t try to understand, or even show a superficial interest in what i’m doing. add to that, his redneck, beer-swilling, smoking-since-he-was-14, football-coach, worked-as-a-tree-logger-for-most-of-his-life, gee-aren’t-cold-chisel-a-top-aussie-band?, let’s-go-pig-huntin-unless-ya-wanna-go-fishin, pauline-hanson-voting lifestyle.. you couldn’t get two more opposite people. it’s probably a good thing we don’t spend any time together.. i’d either be compelled to argue constantly, or i’d explode. or, heaven forbid, get sucked into his ways. shudder how the hell i was spawned from the same genes, i have no clue) (i have to admit though, he’s not as bad as mum’s cousin….)

another point… where the hell is my sister? every time i’ve tried to ring her the last week, the phone rings out. she hasn’t phoned me about going to see him, and i know mum talked to her about it…