Mornin’ Sunshine..

Mornin’ Sunshine..

a missing duck, a grounded lizzard, M is never on at the same time, ditto with t – around but we never run into each other, j has been lurking somewhere but hiding; and i’m not on as much as i used to be, feeling somewhat mute – the things i want to say the most can’t be said anywhere..

actually, yesterday, i saw numbers i recognised, i POD’d, and it ran away…. not sure wheher it was leaving anyway, or if i really am that scary.. some help from someone who’s talked to it might help.. dunno what to think..

today, a Christmas Party – lunch provided, sans alcohol, plus Santa..

now there’s a name on gb i never wanted to see — “Sexy Turkey”
oddness.. now it’s changed itself to “Demon Turkey”… fear